- 1980
- February 27 The Text Book Compilation Bureau is established. The Research Promotion Bureau is abolished (2 Offices, 8 Bureaus, 30 Divisions, 19 Officers).
- 1978
- March 14 The Text Book Compilation Bureau is merged into the Office for the Promotion of Learning (2 Offices, 8 Bureaus, 25 Divisions, 15 Officers).
- 1973
- March 9 The Education Facilities Bureau is established (2 Offices, 7 Bureaus, 19 Divisions, 12 Officers).
- 1970
- August 31 The Bureau of Physical Fitness is established (2 Offices, 6 Bureaus, 12 Divisions, 17 Officers).
- January 26 An officer system is introduced (2 Offices, 5 Bureaus, 11 Divisions, 17 Officers).
- 1968
- July 24 Cultural and art affairs are transferred to the Ministry of Culture. The Bureau of Physical Education and Art is restructured into the Bureau of Social Education (2 Offices, 5 Bureaus, 15 Divisions).
- 1963
- December 16 Office for the Promotion of Learning, the Bureau of Physical Fitness and Bureau of Art and Literature are established. (2 Offices, 4 Bureaus, 14 Divisions).
- 1961
- October 2 Cultural Properties Administration is separated from MOE as an independent organization. (1 Office, 4 Bureaus, 14 Divisions).
- 1948
- November 4 Ministry of Culture & Education (1 office, 5 bureaus, 22 divisions)