- 1999
- May 24 The Bureau of Education Information is abolished. The Bureau of Research Support is reorganized into the Bureau of Higher Education. The Bureau of Education Environment Improvement is reorganized into the Bureau of Education Autonomy Support. The Center for Education Policy Planning under the Office of Planning Management is transferred to the Vice Minister"s Office (2 Offices, 3 Bureaus, 6 Officers, 30 Divisions/Officers).
- 1998
- February 28 The Office of Elementary and Secondary Education is reorganized into the Office of School Policy. The Office of Higher Education is reorganized into the Bureau of Research Support. The Bureau of Local Education Administration is reorganized into the Bureau of Education Environment Improvement. The Center for Education Policy Planning under the Office of Planning & Management established (2 Offices, 4 Bureaus, 23 Divisions, 18 Officers).
- 1996
- July 5 The Office of Education Policy is reorganized into the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. The Bureau of University Education Support is reorganized into the Office of Higher Education. The Bureau of Education Policy Planning, Bureau of Education Informat on Management and Center for International Education Collaboration are established. The Text Book Compilation Bureau and the Bureau of Teacher Assistance are abolished (3 Offices, 4 Bureaus, 21 Divisions, 30 Officers).
- 1994
- December 23 The Office for the Promotion of Learning is abolished and reorganized into the Office of Education Policy. The Office of University Policy is downsized as the Bureau of University Education Support (2 Offices, 5 Bureaus, 19 Divisions, 23 Officers).
- May 16 The Bureau of Science Education, Bureau of Education Facility, Center for Education Broadcasting, Center for Education Broadcasting Planning, Center for Curriculum Organization, and Center for Education Broadcasting Operation are merged into the Office for the Promotion of Learning, Office for University Policy, and Bureau of Local Education Support. The Office of Text Book Compilation and the Promotion of Learning is divided into the Text Book Compilation Bureau and Office for the Promotion of Learning (3 Offices, 4 Bureaus, 23 Divisions, 25 Officers).