- 1990
- December 27 Ministry of Education (3 offices, 4 bureaus, 23 divisions, 25directors)
- December 12 Office of Text Book Compilation and Promotion of Learning is reorganized into the Center for Education Broadcasting Management, Center for Curriculum Organization, and Center for Education Broadcasting Operation. Center for National Identity Education at the Office of University Policy is abolished (3 Offices, 5 Bureaus, 25 Divisions, 27 Officers).
- 1989
- February 27 The Student Military Education Center at the Office of University Policies is abolished (3 Offices, 5 Bureaus, 25 Divisions, 24 Officers).
- 1986
- August 25 The Office of Education Policy and Bureau of Universities are merged and renamed as the Office of University Policy. The Bureau of Science Education is established. Bureau of International Teacher Training is renamed as the Bureau of Teacher Training. The Bureau of Social Vocational Education is reorganized into the Bureau of Social International Education (3 Offices, 5 Bureaus, 25 Divisions, 25 Officers).
- 1983
- February 23 Coordinating officer at the Office of Education Policy and early childhood education officer at the Bureau of General Education are appointed (3 Offices, 5 Bureaus, 23 Divisions, 26 Officers).
- 1982
- March 20 Physical fitness affairs are transferred to the Ministry of Health. The Bureau of Teacher Training is reorganized as the Bureau of International Teacher Training (3 Offices, 5 Bureaus, 23 Divisions, 24 Officers).
- 1981
- November 2 The Text Book Compilation Bureau is merged into the Office for the Promotion of Learning. The Bureau of Industrial Education is reorganized as the Bureau of Social Vocational Education. The Bureau of Social International Education and Bureau of Physical Education are reorganized as the Bureau of Physical Fitness International Education. The Center for Foreign Capital Projects and Construction Center are abolished (3 Offices, 6 Bureaus, 26 Divisions, 19 Officers).
- January 19 (3 Offices, 8 Bureaus, 30 Divisions, 21 Officers).