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TITLE Unveiling Comprehensive Educational Reforms:  Introducing Neulbom School, Consolidation of Early Childhood Education and Childcare, and University Reform to Tackle Societal Challenges
DATE 2024-01-24 NAME 배선연 HIT 791
  • [교육부 1-24(수) 브리핑시(18시) 보도자료] Unveiling Comprehensive Educational Reforms.pdf Download
<Ministry of Education's Policy Priorities in 2024>

Unveiling Comprehensive Educational Reforms: 
Introducing Neulbom School, Consolidation of Early Childhood Education and Childcare, and University Reform to Tackle Societal Challenges

 - Education reform hits the ground in 2024: Three Key Policy Directions, and 10 Priorities announced
 - Neulbom School programs will be introduced to all elementary schools nationwide, operated by dedicated staff separated from teachers
 - Universities and colleges will be supported further via breaking down barrier in departments, and greater support to students for tuition and housing
 - Introducing the Education Development Zones nationwide, cracking down on private education cartels to reduce the budren on the households