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TITLE Unveiling 2023 Outcomes in Identifying and Supporting Complex Emotional, Academic, and Other Challenges Faced by Students
DATE 2024-01-15 NAME 배선연 HIT 282
  • [교육부 1-15(월) 조간보도자료] Unveiling 2023 Outcomes in Identifying and Supporting Complex Emotional, Academic, and Other Challenges Faced by Students.pdf Download

 Unveiling 2023 Outcomes in Identifying and Supporting Complex Emotional, Academic, and Other Challenges Faced by Students



- Integrated and Tailored Student Support Conference is held from January 15 to 17 at BPEX.


- More than 1,000 participants from 17 provincial offices of education, pilot schools and pilot education agencies will gather to share their best practices to proliferate relevant policies.