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TITLE MOE to announce Study Korea 300K Project: Korea aims to be the top 10 world-leading countries for study abroad by 2027
DATE 2023-08-16 NAME 곽보미 HIT 4621
  • [MOE 08-16] MOE to announce Study Korea 300K Project:Korea aims to be the top 10 world-leading countries for study abroad by 2027.pdf Download
  • [교육부 08-16(수) 브리핑시(15시30분) 보도자료] 2027년까지 외국인 유학생 30만 명 유치로 세계 10대 유학강국으로 도약한다..hwp Download
MOE to announce Study Korea 300K Project: Korea aims to be the top 10 world-leading countries for study abroad by 2027

- Collaborative strategies established among universities, local industries, and local governments, promoting all aspects of study-abroad from recruitment to academic and career planning of international students
- Anticipated benefits include stimulating regional economy, enhancing the global competitiveness in high-tech industries, and strengthening universities’ global standing