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TITLE Realizing safer schools through AI-powered crime and accident prevention system
DATE 2023-05-09 NAME 곽보미 HIT 295
  • [MOE 05-09] Realizing safer schools through AI-powered crime and accident prevention system.pdf Download
  • [교육부 05-09(화) 석간보도자료] 인공지능을 활용한 범죄·사고 예방으로 안전한 학교 구현.hwpx Download

Realizing safer schools through AI-powered crime and accident prevention system


 - Development of an AI-powered Remote Integrated Control System that enables proactive response to crimes and accidents by implementing access control, visitor movement management, and early detection and resolution of risks

 - Collaboration with the Ministry of Science and ICT on the School Multifunctional Complex Safety System Project

 - Smart Safety Management System developed within school multifunctional complexes to be expanded to all schools