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TITLE Study in Korea Fair 2022 will be Held Online with Provincial Governments to Attract International Students
DATE 2022-11-21 NAME 곽보미 HIT 212
  • [교육부 11-21(월) 조간보도자료] 지자체와 손잡고 지역 대학 유학생 유치 확대-ENG.pdf Download
  • [교육부 11-21(월) 조간보도자료] 지자체와 손잡고 지역 대학 유학생 유치 확대-ENG.hwp Download
  • [교육부 11-21(월) 조간보도자료] 지자체와 손잡고 지역 대학 유학생 유치 확대_KOR.hwp Download

The Ministry of Education and the National Institute for International Education will organize Study in Korea Fair 2022 for 10 days from November 22 to December 1, 2022.

The Study in Korea Fair has been organized since 2001 to make the excellence of the Korean higher education system widely known all around the world and to attract international students to Korea. After Covid-19, however, the fair has been held online in various forms.

The fairs held in conjunction with provincial governments are especially popular, attracting more than 200,000 participants on average, with an emphasis on promoting dynamic regional lifestyle and unique cultural characteristics.



The number of participants in the online fair : 203,762 participants (1st half 2021) 251,334 participants (2nd half of 2021) 258,418 participants (1st half of 2022)

The online fair will include the participation of as many as nine provincial governments, which is the highest number in record, along with 84 colleges and universities, and will be organized as a special fair, sharing promotional materials that introduce their provinces as well as information on studying in Korea to raise the interest of all participants.



The nine participating provincial governments in the 2nd half of 2022 are Busan, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangju, Gangwon, Chungnam, Jeonnam, Gyeongbuk, and Gyeongnam