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홈 Education System Early Childhood Education - On-site meeting convened to prevent school violence

Early Childhood Education

  • 담당부서디지털소통팀
  • 작성자김신혜
  • 작성일2023-03-08
  • 조회수268

제목 : On-site meeting convened to prevent school violence

On March 6, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education Lee Ju-Ho convened a meeting with experts to exchange constructive ideas about preventing and responding to school violence at The Blue Tree Foundation in Seocho-gu, Seoul. He said, "Thanks to all your efforts, the system of preventing and responding to school violence has taken root in schools." He added, "The Ministry will do everything it can to prioritize protecting the victims of school violence and responding sternly to school violence cases, and at the same time, strengthening schools' abilities to tackle school violence and come up with measures to reach public consensus." (March 6, 2023, The Blue Tree Foundation, Seocho, Seoul)