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홈 Education System Early Childhood Education - On-site meeting with teachers of Neulbom (Educare) School and parents

Early Childhood Education

  • 담당부서디지털소통팀
  • 작성자김신혜
  • 작성일2023-02-10
  • 조회수252

제목 : On-site meeting with teachers of Neulbom (Educare) School and parents

On February 9, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education Lee Ju-Ho visited Seoul Gajaeul Elementary School to monitor after-school classes and childcare spaces as well as to listen to what the stakeholders on the ground have to say about the Neulbom (Educare) School. He said, "As the school-age population declines rapidly, the government has to take up bigger responsibility to foster each and every one of our children into creative talent." He added, "To bring up a child in a safe and happy environment, good teachers, high-quality programs and safe spaces are all indispensable, and thus the government will pay close attention to what parents and teachers have to say about the Neulbom service for its successful introduction and ensure that parents can be reassured that their child is in safe hands." (Feb. 9, 2023, Seoul Gajaeul Elementary School)