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홈 Education System Early Childhood Education - The Early Childhood Education and Childcare Consolidation Committee launched

Early Childhood Education

  • 담당부서디지털소통팀
  • 작성자이우정
  • 작성일2023-04-12
  • 조회수286

제목 : The Early Childhood Education and Childcare Consolidation Committee launched

On April 4, the Ministry of Education held the first meeting of the Early Childhood Education and Childcare Consolidation Committee and appointed its members. Its members include the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education as the Chair, and vice ministers of relevant ministries, such as the Ministry of Health and Welfare, as government members. In addition, non-government members include those from early childhood education and childcare institutions, teachers, parents and experts.


Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education Lee Ju-Ho said, “It’s a significant step forward that we’ve launched this committee to consolidate early childhood education and childcare. Through our discussions, we aim to incorporate the perspectives and feedback of the stakeholders on the ground, in our policymaking process.” He also said to the members, “As responsible adults, it is our duty to gather insights and develop effective measures to improve the lives of our children and make our country safer for them to thrive. Let us work together to build a better future for the younger generation.” (April 4, 2023, Seoul Government Complex)