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홈 Education System Early Childhood Education - Briefing on Plan to Enhance Competitiveness of Public Education

Early Childhood Education

  • 담당부서디지털소통팀
  • 작성자전구슬
  • 작성일2023-06-27
  • 조회수305

제목 : Briefing on Plan to Enhance Competitiveness of Public Education

On June 21, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education Lee Ju-ho announced the "Plan to Enhance Competitiveness of Public Education," which aims to nurture each and every student as a talented member of the future society in response to rapid changes in the social environment such as digital transformation and low birthrates. The Ministry of Education plans to undertake a comprehensive transformation of public education. This transformation includes revitalizing dormant classrooms, increasing the government’s responsibility for education to foster all students as future leaders, and achieving student-tailored education that embraces diversity and autonomy.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education Lee Ju-Ho said, "It is time for a fundamental transformation of our public education in line with the digital transformation era, including ChatGPT, and we will work closely with school sites and local educational authorities to enhance the competitiveness of public education by putting students at the front and center." (June 21, 2023, Seoul Government Complex)