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홈 Education System Overview - Publishing White Paper Titled ‘2020 Education Response to COVID-19’


  • 담당부서홍보담당관
  • 작성자오미희
  • DATE2021-05-11
  • HIT2014

제목 : Publishing White Paper Titled ‘2020 Education Response to COVID-19’

한글본 : ‘2020 교육분야 코로나19 대응백서 발간



영문본 : Publishing White Paper Titled ‘2020 Education Response to COVID-19’



◈ Put together educational responses to the sudden eruption of COVID-19 in 2020 to keep students learning and to get ready for future education.

◈ Provided cases of such responses from last year as practical references to those in the field amid the ongoing pandemic



□ The Ministry of Education (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education Yoo Eun-hae) publishes a white paper titled ‘2020 Education Response to COVID-19’ on Monday, May 10th. The publication contains the progress and assessment of the COVID-19 response made from the outbreak of the novel virus to the end of last year.



This white paper has put together records of the COVID-19 responses in a systematic manner to show how the government, schools, families, and experts from the relevant fields worked together in the face of the unprecedented pandemic crisis, with a common aim of securing the safety and health of students and also of supporting uninterrupted learning for students.