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홈 Education System Overview - Announcing Plans for Intensive Safety Management of the 2021 CSAT


  • 담당부서홍보담당관
  • 작성자오미희
  • DATE2020-11-25
  • HIT971

제목 : Announcing Plans for Intensive Safety Management of the 2021 CSAT

한글본 : 2021학년도 수능 집중 안전관리 방안 발표

영문본 : Announcing Plans for Intensive Safety Management of the 2021 CSAT

Joint measures to ensure College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) test-takers’ safety and protect testing opportunities

- Secured 29 (120 beds) hospitals/life treatment centers, 113 (754 rooms) separate testing sites, and provided CSAT applicant guideline for confirmed and under quarantine test-takers

- Two weeks before the CSAT, the government operated a special quarantine period (from November 19 to December 3) to implement measures to strengthen quarantine of some facilities that are highly accessible including private educational institutions

- To build a safe and stable academic management after CSAT, the Ministry provides 1,900 programs for physical attendance and online classes and will operate special period to ensure student safety (from December 3 to 31)