- 담당부서홍보담당관
- 작성자오미희
- DATE2020-10-15
- HIT3267
제목 : Plans for 2nd Semester Announced(2020-07-31)
[교육부 07-31(금) 즉시보도자료] 2020학년도 2학기 학사운영 관련 등교 원격 수업 기준 등 학교밀집도 시행 방안 발표
Plans for 2nd Semester Announced
◈ MoE prepared online/physical class standard and operation plan. In consultation with the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, minimizing the density of students in the metropolitan area and Gwangju metropolitan city will be continued until 1st semester.
◈ MoE provides learning support during summer vacation and informed the 'safe vacation and vacation rules' to students.