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홈 Education System Overview - MoE Announces Plans for Green-Smart Schools of the Future(2020-07-17)


  • 담당부서홍보담당관
  • 작성자오미희
  • DATE2020-10-15
  • HIT2535

제목 : MoE Announces Plans for Green-Smart Schools of the Future(2020-07-17)

[교육부 07-17(금) 13시40분보도자료] 그린스마트 미래학교 사업 추진계획 발표

MoE Announces Plans for Green-Smart Schools of the Future

Initiate business plan for the Green-Smart school of the future, a flagship project of the Korean New Deal

Support transition to future education by remodeling school facilities

Create eco-friendly smart education environment under the zero energy initiative

Provide ICT based smart classrooms that allow diverse learning experience

◈ Open up school facility complex to the local community