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홈 Education System Overview - Full-Scale Opening of “Knowledge Spring” - Two Way Online Knowledge Sharing Platform for Teachers


  • 담당부서홍보담당관
  • 작성자오미희
  • DATE2020-10-13
  • HIT613

제목 : Full-Scale Opening of “Knowledge Spring” - Two Way Online Knowledge Sharing Platform for Teachers

[교육부 09-29(화) 조간보도자료] 선생님에 의한, 선생님을 위한 지식샘터 본격 개통


Full-Scale Opening of “Knowledge Spring” Two Way Online Knowledge Sharing Platform for Teachers



◈ Sharing various educational knowledge, including education technology (Edutech) through real-time online teacher training

Deputy Prime Minister participated in the Knowledge Spring demonstration event and hold an online meeting to collect on-site opinions from teachers (including teacher support groups and YouTubers)



□ The Ministry of Education (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education Yoo Eun-hae) will open a two-way online knowledge sharing platform called "Knowledge Spring" in October so that teachers can freely share their educational technology (Edutech) capabilities through "real-time virtual classes."


ㅇ “Knowledge Spring” is an autonomous and personalized non-face-to-face teacher training system. Teachers and instructors can flexibly organize and operate teaching materials, content and training time which differs from the existing institutional-led training models.


ㅇ In particular, it is expected to have high participation and utilization rate of on-site teachers by conducting real-time training on education technology (Edutech) which will allow teachers to be prepared for online-based programs (platforms), utilization of Authority Tools* and educational materials for remote classes.

* Authority Tools: Software used for creating digital content by organizing various forms of data, such as text, graphics, voice data and digital image data, into one multimedia content (Source: IT Glossary)


? The Ministry of Education opened the “Knowledge Spring” platform on a trial basis in September and verified its stability and training effectiveness. Based on such trial, the Ministry plans to actively promote the platform to increase its utilization starting October. (https://educator.edunet.net)


□ On September 28th, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Education Yoo Eun-hae participated in the Knowledge Spring trial class as a student to promote the platform.


? After attending the trial class, Minister Yoo invited 20 teachers including participants, Knowledge Spring support team and teacher YouTubers to hold a remote meeting and collected various opinions including requests and difficulties in supporting to increase capacity of education technology (Edutech) in classroom settings.